Information Website for Early-Childhood Educators and Kindergarten Teachers: "Hoiku is"

We operate the integrated media service "Hoiku is", which provides indispensable knowledge for everyday childcare and useful lifestyle information in a compact format to early-childhood educators and kindergarten teachers. The service's contents, delivered daily, can be checked within three minutes, whether in a written article or video format. In addition to practical information, the lineup includes an original column project, and articles that offer the reader exposure to various diverse values. The service can be enjoyed by everyone involved in childcare, starting with currently active early-childhood educators and kindergarten teachers, and also including prospective early-childhood educators and kindergarten teachers, and early-childhood educators and kindergarten teachers who are currently on a career break.
Hoiku isAffiliated Group Company
Childcare Industry Career Change Website: "Hoiku-is Job Search"

We operate the childcare industry career change website "Hoiku-is Job Search", which is specialized to the childcare industry, including roles such as early-childhood educators and kindergarten teachers. By utilizing our strengths of advanced expertise in childcare services and thorough knowledge of the childcare field, we facilitate the matching of early-childhood educators who want to turn their childcare ideals into reality with facility administrators who want to employ outstanding early-childhood educators. We offer the opportunity to post recruitment advertising free-of-charge until employment is finalized, without any restrictions on the posting period or number of employees wanted. In addition, our consultants, who specialize in childcare recruitment, can provide support with drafting your advertising copy.
Hoiku-is Job Search